Watering in the Winter

Winter Watering - All Seasons Lawn & Landscaping Reno NV

(Reno, NV) All Seasons Lawn and Landscaping wants to remind everyone that trees, shrubs, lawns and other plants need supplemental water to stay healthy during extended winter dry spells like the one we are in now. A myth is that plants and lawns don’t need water in the winter time, but that is just not true. Usually plants and lawns receive enough water in the winter from rain and snowfall to avoid having to turn on the sprinklers or hand water, but extended periods without precipitation lead to stressed plants and lawns that may not recover in the spring.
Generally, Plants and lawns need water every 5-6 weeks in the winter. Even if you’re used to just letting your plants sit dormant over the winter, right now you might want to think about pulling your hose out of storage or starting up that irrigation system:

    • Watering days are the same, with no time restrictions.Visit http://tmwa.com/conservation/assigned_day_watering for more info
    • Starting up your sprinkler & drip system, letting it run 3-5 cycles and properly draining and re-winterizing it the same day is highly recommended
    • Water late morning, when the water has plenty of time to reach the root zones without freezing.
    • Best time to water is between 10am – 2pm when it’s warmer. If parts of the drip system are frozen, hand water those areas.

    • Irrigation System Run Times:
      • Pop-ups & Spray heads: 7 min each cycle
      • Rotators: 15 – 20 minutes per cycle
      • Drip: 45 – 60 minutes per cycle
    • Lawns on south-facing, southwest facing areas and slopes should get special attention since they receive more sun.
    • For trees and shrubs, a soaker hose is a great way to gradually water the roots. It slowly seeps water out, so you can leave it on for an hour or two at a time.
    • Do NOT leave sprinklers on overnight, and be sure to disconnect hose bibs at the end of each day

Whatever the method, be sure your hose or irrigation system is disconnected and properly drained the same day to prevent leaks and breaks due to freezing overnight temperatures.

See http://tmwa.com/conservation/winterize for more information.

If you need help with this, we are here for you. Give us a call today at: 329-1531. All Seasons Lawn & Landscaping, serving the Reno & sparks community for over 21 years.

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